Holy Family Church – Maroubra Parish


Sacramental Program – Confirmation

Confirmation is one of three Sacraments of Initiation which includes Baptism and Eucharist.

“Those who have been baptised continue on the path of Christian initiation through the Sacrament of Confirmation. In this way, they receive the Holy Spirit, conforming them more perfectly to Christ and strengthening them so that they may bear witness to Christ for the building up of his body in faith and love.” (Rite of Confirmation, nn. 1-2).


  • Children in Year 6 upwards
  • Have received the Sacrament of Baptism, First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion.

The program is conducted in the 3rd term of school.

We will conduct an information night (Parent meeting) prior to confirm enrolment in our Sacramental Programs. This meeting aims to provide you with deeper understanding and experience of this Sacrament.

As preparation for the Sacrament, your regular attendance at Mass is expected. There will be four/five weekly lessons for preparing the children not at St Aidan’s.

SPONSOR – Choosing a Sponsor for Confirmation. It is encouraged to choose one of the Godparents to continue the role begun at Baptism. If that is not possible, choose someone considered to be a role model for living the Catholic faith. A sponsor must be a Catholic; at least 16 years old and already confirmed; may not be a parent of the candidate; and need not be the same gender as the candidate. At this stage in your child’s life, on the threshold of teenage years and high school, this person’s support, modelling or mentoring can be a very positive influence in the future.

CONFIRMATION NAME – It has been traditional to choose the name of a saint the candidate would like to have as a role model / or admires or has a connection with; and to pray to for support and guidance throughout their lives. Your child needs to get to know/research the chosen saint’s qualities and achievements in their life of faith.

All dates and times will be confirmed at the commencement of each program.

Register NOW here –

Any enquiries, please email: [email protected]

The coordinator will make contact via email regarding further details of the program at the beginning of the school year.

For adult Confirmation, please speak to the priests or contact the Parish Office. 


If your child was baptised at Holy Family, you do not need to submit a copy of the baptism certificate. However, if baptised elsewhere, you will need to email a copy of the baptism certificate.

Contribution for the Sacrament can be made ONLINE – click on the SUPPORT US tab at the top of the page for a BPOINT Secure Payment Service (Select the Biller Code for Sacramental Programs).